Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Ibs Causes Prostatitits
witnesses confirm plight:
pregnant mother with a child in need is at home in Germany
donors made travel Nassau in Bahamas to Berlin for pregnant mother and child can
doubt after RTL TV report and to a witness - Three witnesses confirm plight of the mother - possibly more than 100 other witnesses in Nassau, the plight of young women confirm
By Andreas Klamm-Sabaot
Nassau (Bahamas) / Trier / Berlin. 27. October 2009. Desperately trying the pregnant mother Natalie F. (24) in the 35th Pregnancy Week found in numerous charities in Germany help. After her husband since 6 July will be missed, 2009, was the pregnant mother, Natalie F. (24) with daughter Jennifer (3) in need. Helpful Donors in Germany made the return trip to Germany possible, because the mother had their claims to any money for the return trip to Berlin, was ill and homeless in the sunny island paradise in Nassau in Bahamas become.
for the mother and heaven was obviously not a paradise, especially in the last four weeks of their stay. Four weeks they have in the streets of Nassau in the Bahamas to ask for herself and her daughter for food and money will need to survive. By early September, the rent was paid, but then she had become homeless. It also allowed the woman to find their descriptions According among poor fishermen in Nassau and in places where middle-class people expected in Germany certainly would not help. Poor people, who themselves have very little, had helped her to appreciate the young mother describes her experiences. At the Embassy in Nassau was the pregnant woman and her sick 3 year old daughter did not find any help, although their help there under Article 6 of the Basic Law (GG), is entitled under the Social Security Code (12 and 2) and the consular assistance law.
On 13 October 2009 was the barely imaginable. The exhausted mother was with her daughter with British Airways to London to fly and fly from London to Berlin-Tegel (TXL). On 14 October 2009 Natalie F. landed with their 3 year old daughter airport in Berlin.
"Exhausted and tired, "had the mother and daughter. But both are happy to be back in Germany. At the airport waiting for some journalists at a major daily newspaper (Berliner Kurier), two TV stations (RTL television, and IBS Television Liberty) and a staff member and a member of the Youth Office in Berlin.
On 29 September 2009 met the emergency of the mother at the international Jewish-Christian John Baptist Mission of Togo, representative for Germany and the representative for the UK. examined after the Foreign Office, was whether the information is correct, there was a number of occasions in writing of the plight, turned the international mission service more than two dozen relief and rescue organizations in Germany, Bahamas, Jamaica and the United States of America. The alarm message. "Pregnant mother with a child in need, 3 year old daughter and mother ill,"
Since the mother reported her husband missing to the German Embassy, reported on 30 September 2009, the international mission, a missing indicator in the missing persons site of the Office of Criminal Investigation (LKA) in Berlin, police in Berlin and on 3 October, a further missing display at the Royal Bahamas Police (Royal Police) in Nassau Bahamas.
The husband of the woman is now looking good. Natalie F. feared bad: "Maybe I saw Man no other way. He was desperate, maybe he's on the bottom of the sea, it might have eaten by sharks. I do not know. "
After 14 October 2009, at least mother and child in a mother and child home safety, and the two state care can find the community seems a minor miracle for mother and child to have become true.
weekend, Friday 16th October 2009, an alleged witness came forward David W., in Nassau Bahamas in working in an industry that is disputed and said: "Natalie and husband Hans lived in a beautiful residential community. No distress and throws Natalie, the agency for Germany, representation for Great Britain and the mission leadership of both countries in the Jewish-Christian John Baptist Mission of fraud and a fictitious story before. $ 1,000 would owe the couple to the alleged owner. ". Hans had allegedly still detained on the island, while his wife gets in trouble, mother and daughter are sick.
When RTL television magazine "Explosive" is suspected and a "hoax". It is unclear whether and how the pregnant mother might be involved. The husband, according to prosecutor Johannes Mocken by the prosecutor in Dusseldorf the German authorities knew. He will in two main court process to which these non- appeared to be searched.
On 19 October 2009 report, the witnesses Peter Lange, a poor fisherman and his friend Chris O `Brein Maccoke and William Waite, and declared in a written statement:" God is my witness, the pregnant mother, Natalie was homeless and had to go to the streets of Bahamas begging for food and money. "From time to time he had with her daughter Natalie on his fishing boat" can sleep Sham Tame. " The International Education Media Network MJB over explain the witness: ". You may not publish our names worldwide in all media and announce in public"
Peter Long said: "We know that Hans in Canada (* = location was changed for security reasons by the editor in a different place. The real name of the place is the editorial offices and the police in Berlin known) is located.
on the statements of witness David W. from Nassau in the Bahamas any doubts. He repeatedly stated in writing: "Natalie and her daughter on 8 October we adopted and are then flown to Miami in the U.S. to probably a day later to fly to Germany. "
But even on the weekend on Friday and Saturday turned a specially from New York City is flown by RTL TELEVISION New York TV recordings in Nassau in the Bahamas and tried everything on the history of the mother in Not with her 3 year old daughter to do research on site.
against the witness David W., the John Baptist Mission of Togo, representative for Germany and the UK agency for a criminal complaint on suspicion of "intentionally false allegation of fraud" report.
A witness from Nassau, David W., which provides the detail of the pregnant mother and her 3 year old daughter Natalie F. in question this is sufficient to impute to a pregnant mother with her 3 year old daughter in need a "hoax" and the attempt to tread the helpers criminalize?
This compares to three witnesses who confirmed the details of the mother in need and a number of written confirmations of the Foreign Ministry and the German Embassy. In the written witness statement confirmed the witness Peter Lange: "There is more than another 100 people are in the docks (the poor districts of Nassau), who have seen the mother and daughter were in need."
Shortly before the flight is no longer sure whether the heavily pregnant with her daughter Natalie can still fly on a normal scheduled flight. The RTL-TV team paid on the spot in Nassau Bahamas in the doctor's statement for the mother because the mother had no money. Result of the investigation by ultrasound: The baby is a girl. Mother and baby are healthy and were in the 35th Pregnancy week ending date the investigation.
When John Baptist Mission of Togo assured the witness Peter Lange: "We are poor fishermen, but no liar. Natalie and her 3 year old daughter were in need "
The exact reasons that led to the serious plight of a pregnant mother with her 3 year old daughter are certainly not easy to find out. The mother and witnesses made a lot of details, so that there are in the editorial offices of the International Education Network MJB no major doubts about the particulars of the mother.
In early October, the international John Baptist Mission of Togo, a criminal complaint against the German Embassy, the Foreign Office and the Federal Foreign Office because of "suspicion of failure to render assistance" refunded. was
few days ago, also in New York City for the UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon a complaint filed by the John Baptist Mission of Togo and made an application for an international investigation of events in Nassau Bahamas.
basic journalistic principles - Press Code of Ethics:
"Respect for the truth, respect for human dignity and accurate informing the public are paramount to the press. Every person working in the press on this basis preserves the authority and credibility of the media. "
press and media inquiries:
John Baptist Mission of Togo
agency for Germany
dealer for the UK
International Social And Medical Outreach Team (ISMOT)
Liberty and Peace Now! Human Rights Reporters
international media project for Human Rights
international media project for the human rights
MJB Mission News, ISSN 1999-8414,
international news magazine and Mission
Tel 0 62 36 416 802
FAX 001 503 212 6883
email: kontakt@radiotvinfo.org
email: andreasklamm@hotmail.com
www.radiotvinfo.org excerpts from the laws:
§ 323c, Criminal Law Book
Failure assistance
Who in accidents or common danger or distress does not help provide, when required, and him the circumstances reasonably be expected to, especially without significant own risk and without violating other important duties is possible to be punished with imprisonment up to one year, or punished with a fine.
extract from the Criminal Code Article 25
first Everyone has the right to a standard of living, ensuring his and his family health and well-being, including food, clothing, housing and medical care and necessary social services and the right to security in the event of unemployment, sickness, disability, widowhood, old age or other lack of livelihood in circumstances beyond.
second Motherhood and childhood are entitled to special care and assistance. All children, whether born out of wedlock, shall enjoy the same social protection.
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
How Long Is A Cervix Open Before A Period Begins
Strange server failure at Radio IBS Liberty, IBS Television Liberty
offers from the international media project are not known reasons, not available
Berlin. (Red). 21. October 2009. To a strange server failure is not yet known reasons, there has been at Radio IBS Liberty, IBS Television Liberty at www.ibstelevision.com and British Newsflash Magazine (www.britishnewsflash.net). Radio IBS Liberty
, IBS Television Liberty, IBS Independent Broadcasting Service Liberty, and Liberty since 1986 to serve the international understanding. There are reports, news and radio programs in German and English sound. was founded
the international radio and television media project is by the German-French journalist, radio journalist and author of seven books, Andreas Klamm-Sabaot, whose grandfather, a French citizen.
The journalist founded the international media project in 1986 in Speyer on the Rhine and in the English city of Leeds. It is reported to issues of human rights, politics, social affairs, international understanding, faith and cultures
British Newsflash Magazine is an international travel and news magazine that was first available in 1986 in STEM Publishing Directory at Essen. Publisher, founder and editor since 1986, the Franco-German journalist, radio journalist and author Andreas Klamm - Sabaot.
keep it up there soon, we report more detailed information on the strange server failures.
A spokesman for the media project, said: "We hope that is not our reports on torture should be the reasons for the surprising and strange failure of two servers, for otherwise there would be clear that Germany is obviously a very big problem in terms of may have human rights, since both servers are hired by a German company and paid for evanzo e-commerce in Germany. "Currently the company is trying evanzo e-commerce to achieve what apparently already prepared the first problems.
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Brookstone Helicopter Correct Spins
Shortly after the election I had started to filter some civil rights goals of the FDP from their election platform, and some of our expectations of a party that wants to be the civil rights party lists.
The FDP has certainly tried in tough coalition talks now about these issues. The mirror now subtitled "FDP stop Internet blocking" , which often have a closer look is interpretable otherwise.
My personal expectation list:
[] FDP gets
the Home Office is yet because nothing happened.
[ x] The access difficulty law is withdrawn
agreed at the Internet blocking in the negotiators that the Federal Criminal Police Office (BKA) is to first try to remove child pornography sites, rather than block. The Vice-Chairman FDP Sabine Leutheusser-Schnarrenberger said this was a "real breakthrough". After a year of success of this measure should be reviewed.The alleged "real breakthrough" specifies that the Act by one year is - until then, the BKA is trying to delete. It is not unlikely that the BKA will report in a year that deletion is not successful, then we are back on the same spot.
This is a clear failure . should
[] Data retention is withdrawn
The retention of the use of the data are limited to serious danger, said Federal Interior Minister Wolfgang Schäuble (CDU).The existing law on data retention, with this scheme scaled back, in fact, since it also
- to prosecute crimes,
- to Defense substantial threats for public safety
- to fulfill the legal duties of the constitutional protection authorities of the Federation and the countries of the BND and Military Counter to the relevant parties
- to provide information on the identity of telecommunications users to § 113 Act.
However, the Federal Constitutional Court has already found that only for serious crimes and dangerous situa tions, the data retention may be used.
A limitation on the highest level federal court set for sale as a success is ridiculous - this restriction is granted.
is every indication that this is a failure is.
From the manifesto the FDP:
[ x ] abolition of the retention (page 27)
[ x ] no secret online searches of private computer (page 27)
for secret online searches of suspect computers in the future is an arrangement of the Attorney General is necessary. Also, online searches not extend to other security agencies such as the protection of the Constitution.The FDP has reached here only a restriction that is not. The federal prosecutor is accused by critics , in this respect a simple "We sign what we all on the table is" authority to be.
[ - ] protection of professional secrecy - no Spähangriffe (page 31)
The protection of professional secrecy is extended by defense lawyers at all. are for other professions such as journalists, according to the compromise a "testing order", said the FDP interior affairs expert Max Stadler. A small part of success. However, it is assumed that the "inspection order" fails.
[ x ] protection of press freedom and journalistic research => no "aid" for release of secret documents (page 31)
There to Protect Journalists, only the above-mentioned "testing order" there is clear here from a failure to speak .
are no statements currently:
[] No collection of passenger data (page 28)
[] BKA no FBI (page 28)
[] no automatic License Plate Recognition (page 31)
[] A federal data protection law is passed (page 26)
[] right to privacy Self-determination in the constitution (page 27)
[] Introduction of a "foundation data" (page 27)
[] Federal Commissioner for Data Protection is (page 27) to a "top federal agency "
[] data security breaches must be punished (harder) ( page 27)
[] Improved employee data protection (page 27)
[] opt-in solution for sales data from local authorities (page 27)
[] prohibition of the transfer of data from local authorities to the GEZ (page 27)
[] Restore of banking secrecy (page 27)
[] abolition of the "Great eavesdropping" (page 31)
Overall, the results are rather disappointing. Not at all points is something said, and eventually we should wait for the Koaliationsvertrag probably best to give us the exact wording to be regarded.
Jan "DarkX2" Gretschuskin
In fact, I think that is unacceptable as Interior Minister Schäuble.
Do U Get Muscus Period
How announced I start now with the first edition of Pirates "Project of the Week".
This week I had an interview with the creators of Pirate Calendar-2010 project.
Imagine it once briefly. Who are you, where does her pirate or a sympathizer?
Most of the workers on the project are a member of the Stammtisch in Dortmund, where he worked on various projects and crews.Why are you pirates? Since when?
How did you The first time one of the pirates?Why can sing Tony Bennent? Why Terra is the third planet from Sol? We - at least most of us - are pirates, because this party just as it is and with the program that it has (or being developed) a political home is in a country where freedom and democracy are increasingly under the wheels . come
pirates we are three years or three months, that is not to unify.
This is very different for the various employees. Some know the party for some time, some are only in the context of the European elections or in connection with the discussion about civil rights and censorship of Internet sites on the pirates hear.What is the meaning of pirate-calendar-2010? appealing
So how come you get the idea?to the creativity of the people is pictures, statements and themes are collected, related to the content and objectives of the Pirate Party in connection. At the same time promoting competition in the fun and active participation in politics and democracy and show that democracy is always better The more you participate and get involved in it.
We hope to make known to the party with this project, as well as members and citizens generally enthusiastic about commitment and creativity.
The calendar is to be used also as a promotional tool for the state elections in North Rhine-Westphalia
The idea came from an online meeting of some members of the Dortmund master table in a brainstorming session.is how the whole thing implemented?
Similar to the competition for campaign spots Pirate Party to creative people have the opportunity to present their ideas for the calendar. Everyone can then leave feedback and comments for the submitted image contributions, so that we can choose a democratic basis as the 12 pages of the calendar for 2010.How well is the project?
Since the project only since 11.10. running, you can probably only answer the question in a few days / weeks. The feedback so far are very positive.
What else you do for the party?
We work-because of different skills and areas of interest - even in different working groups and working groups with - eg in the development of a concept for education policy at the country level, the subject of Basic Income and in cooperation with various NGOs to our core themes of freedom, democracy, consumer protection and transparency . Final summary of your hand?Final summary of your hand?
I find that project sounds incredibly exciting. Check it out but just themselves, it sends a suggestion or let go of what you think. YourThe "Pirate Calendar 2010 Competition" is a project that was created for an online meeting. The idea developed in brainstorming and since then has a positive momentum developed.
We appeal to the creativity of the people with us pictures, messages and themes to collect, related to the content and objectives of the Pirate Party in connection. At the same time promoting competition in the fun and active participation in politics and democracy and show that democracy is always better the more you participate and get involved in it.
democracy has always something to do with responsibility, with personal and shared responsibility, and usually a lot of work. Work that is worthwhile. If you know the problems, can you look at the solutions must be not only tedious begeben.Das or gray and dreary, but can - and should - be fun: Design for Active positive changes.
Promoting these things and bring into the consciousness of citizens, a sense of this project. We have chosen an agent to the equally fun and seriousness combined
The project will be implemented through Pirate calendaring 2010.de and running since 11.10.2009.
We have become initiators at different times to the "Pirate Party" and a member of attention. Because we come from different areas, we engage in the most diverse projects and thematic groups within the main table and the party as the working group on education policy.
We hope that this Project the party to make known, as well as members and citizens generally enthusiastic about commitment and creativity.
In fact, I think that is unacceptable as Interior Minister Schäuble.
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Morganite Ring California
Currently I am working on a regular series, which I will call "Project of the Week".
In and around the Pirate Party, there are countless people who are committed to and have started small but larger projects. Hardly anyone but a real overview, about the large number of different things that take place there.
I figured it's time to change that - and will carry out are looking for a project on a regular basis, and an interview with the creators of the project in which they can introduce themselves and their project extensively.
Among the questions which I would like to ask are:
- setting up yet again just before (Who are you, where are you, pirate or sympathizers)
- Why are you a pirate? Since when?
- How did you first hear from the pirates?
- What is the purpose of the project?
- How did you get that idea? How
- the whole thing is implemented?
- How well is the project? What do you plan
- in the near future project change? What are you doing
- else for the party?
- Final words?
will be available soon, it will go well, the first interview I've already done. You may be looking forward to the first project of the week.
Jan "DarkX2" Gretschuskin
In fact, I think that is unacceptable as Interior Minister Schäuble.
Sunday, October 11, 2009
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I think about it currently to reanimate AG statutes.
is the Statute of the Pirate Party is currently broke, no one cares specifically about them, and if "worst comes to worst", needs to be together only to find people who care on short notice to the statutes.
a statute regulates the interaction of a party, and establishes some basic rules. These rules should not exist for its own, but must be constantly adapted to the conditions warrant the reality.
why I think it makes sense if we get the AG statutes back to life, which is regularly cares about the Statute.
far, the AG party program from time to time and care to the statute, but the latest of the planned restructuring of this workshop is a separate AG for the articles useful.
I've even thought about what tasks the working group could take on statutes, and would appreciate any feedback:
"mucking out" by statute amendments
The national conventions were in the past quite a number of statutes amendments, so that these applications had to be postponed even partially. However, there are a number of applications that run in the same direction, and do change at the same point in the statutes. This could set you in advance, and communicate with the different applicants or less just a request to have left the BPT then. Also we could examine these requests in advance for compliance with the Political Parties Act.
preparation and presentation of statute amendments:
goes on the Parteitägen solely by the performance of this statute amendments were quite lost much time. A stock company statutes may order the applications and install in a joint presentation, so that the applications will be presented quickly and clearly. This task has been of the so-called "Statute commission" met.
creation of a constitution review:
The Statute is something in which is not entirely clear what it should mean exactly. We could work out a comment to the understanding and interpretation of this help section. The Federal Arbitration Court is working well even in this thing - here you could certainly start together.
testing for compliance:
There are legal principles, particularly the law on political parties, to comply with our statutes. The AG statutes could possibly considered together with the group law, the Articles of Association.
drawing up their own Applications:
If we become aware of the comment or audit matters, so do not make sense, so we could hire their own requests.
advice on Statute questions:
It happens from time to time when pirates have questions on our constitution, or work for a breakdown of its own statutes. We could be helping the side.
These were now some initial ideas, why and for what a corporation statutes could again be useful.
I would appreciate feedback on this topic, both if you think it appropriate to base this new AG, as well as her share of the thematic areas hold.
your greetings Jan "DarkX2" Gretschuskin
In fact, I think that is unacceptable as Interior Minister Schäuble.
Thursday, October 8, 2009
High Soft Cervix When Hpt
Shortly after I blogged about a Feedback Tool have is on the agenda of the today's board meeting the following points:
discussion on the introduction of an online voting tool for the collection of party-wide opinion makers.
- pros and cons (eg anonymity)
- extent compatible with the party law and Statutes?
- authentic are voting?
- is who can bring in referenda?
- how many votes each month?
- as long a period per vote?
- at the federal level, at the country level, regional?
- technical implementation
until a system is adapted to all these points, it may be that it is already past the next election are.
I think it makes sense to establish a commission to AG, touches the various existing tools and then vote into a test mode. Other working groups will bring to views expressed. Feedback is then collected in response to which is then selected the best system.
This system then we adjust to our needs.
So I would do it at least;)
Stand by to Change. Let's start with us!
In fact, I think that is unacceptable as Interior Minister Schäuble.
Monday, October 5, 2009
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I have already mentioned, I think it is urgent that we pirates created us a way in which as many people have a say about how we want to shape policy.
In a countless number of working groups under development results - the AG's work here but mostly in private to himself, and then present their findings may be somewhere at some point. The external communication is the problem. Not all joint stock companies shall open interim results for discussion - and indeed it may well be that the AG members have taken the pulse of the party, it can turn out well but at a party congress that here for the majority members of the party completely unthinkable comes out.
There is therefore a way was needed, at any rate in the pirate (or perhaps even non-pirates) to intermediate results and can discuss.
There are already some tools that are all more or less likely to believe such inventions are good support. None of these tools is perfect, but we should start to test some of these tools to figure out whether they are in principle for the question. If we have a useful tool, we can begin to adapt it for our specific needs.
like about me right here torrent idea. It enables its users, a Problem documented. On the problem of users also like a solution and this solution can also publish the same.
For example
problem: The wall is painted red, and looks ugly.
Solution 1: Paint the wall white.
Once this response is activated, users can look at this issue and evaluate the proposed solution - with negative, positive or neutral attitude. You can also bring alternative proposals, in our example that would be perhaps
Solution 2: Tear down the wall.
Solution 3: Let the wall as it is
Alternatively, you can also leave comments classic.
Such a system can be used for instance by the working groups or by the board to get opinions or pictures to look at whether to go to the findings of the AG in the right direction. Also bring the alternative means completely new impetus to the work of the AGs.
The system should obviously not be the last word, because of the fact that it is theoretically possible to manipulate the system, policy decisions must, of course, still be taken at party conferences. But such a system is the foundation vorzufühlen schonmal to how certain issues could be adopted.
So you read not only my beautiful words, you can watch the system at times Ubuntu see where this is already being used. Or play around in the demo .
I'm definitely sure that we take such a view tool to test mode. Your
Jan "DarkX2" Gretschuskin
In fact, I think that is unacceptable as Interior Minister Schäuble.
Spectrobes: Beyond The Portals Vilakroma
I have now started in Henning Bartels book about the Pirate Party read. The book is, as now, this blog post under the Creative Commons license Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Germany License .
It is to read one of the most important speeches of the pirate movement that I have not until now, knew many of the new Pirates probably still does not. Therefore I will not hide from you:
friends, citizens, Pirates:
There is nothing new under the sun.
My name is Rickard Falkvinge and I am the leader of the Pirate Party.
During the last week, we may experience some examples of legal mischief. We saw the police, how did they abused them to available resources. We have seen how high-ranking politicians have mobilized to the entertainment industry to protect them.
All this is scandalous beyond compare. That is why we are here today. The entertainment industry wants to convince us that it is only made to resolve payment issues is how a particular group is paid for by work. That it is about their shrinking sales figures to their dry statistics. This is a pretext. It is about something completely different. In order to understand
the current situation in the light of history we must go back 400 years back, when the Church had the monopoly of culture and knowledge. What did the church had to happen. Pyramid Communications. There was a person at the top, to a certain number of other speaking later in the pyramid added. Culture and knowledge was a source and that source was the church.
And God have mercy on those who dared to challenge the monopoly of culture and knowledge of the Church! They were exposed to the worst possible abuses of the time. The church allowed the citizens under any circumstances, to disseminate information, they dominated the entire legislation: prevention, prosecution and punishment.
There is nothing new under the sun.
Today we know that the release of knowledge is the only right thing for society. This Galileo Galilei was right. Even he has fought against the knowledge monopoly.
We're talking about a time when the church the widespread opinion that citizens do not have to learn to read and write because the priest would tell them anyway all they had to know.
The Church knew what it would have meant if they had lost their control.
Then came the printing press.
were suddenly not only a source of knowledge could listen to you, but several. Citizens - who started to learn to read - could benefit from unsanctioned knowledge. The church was furious. The royal family were furious. The British royal family even went so far that it adopted a law which said that only printers specifically designed by the royal family were authorized, books, print, could increase the knowledge and culture for the citizens.
This law was "Copyright" is named.
then passed a few hundred years and the freedom of the press was created. But everywhere there was still the same old model of communication: A person who speaks to the crowd. There were several people who could listen to it - yet everywhere: A person who speaks to the crowd. Which was used by the state to the system a "publisher" to introduce.
Citizens will benefit in the act of knowledge, but there will always be someone who can answer them if they - oh horrible thought - from the wrong Knowledge will benefit.
And that is what will reform the foundations of today. The Internet is no longer obeys this model. Today, we not load simply download culture and knowledge. We upload the same to others. We distribute files. have knowledge and culture, surprisingly, lost their central point of control.
This is the central point of my speech, so I'm going to go into detail:
download is the old model of the old mass media, where there is a central checkpoint, a checkpoint run by a responsible publisher, the risk of him the press subsidy is withdrawn and so on and so forth - where knowledge and culture of each download can, from this central control point that can accurately assign the rights that it considers appropriate.
culture and knowledge monopoly. Control.
Filesharing rise to the simultaneous upload and download from any connected person, without any central control, it's a situation where the entire culture and information flows between millions of different people - at the same time. That is something fundamentally different, something completely new in the history of human communication. There is no one who is held responsible if the wrong knowledge is disseminated.
why so much talk about the business of legal downloads. Legal. Downloads. Because they try to pick up their represent the central point under their control as the only legitimate model. , Do not download file-sharing.
And that is why we will change the law. During the last weeks we have seen how far a player is ready to go, not only to lose his control. We have seen how the Constitution was violated. We have seen how state power has been used illegally, and how the personal integrity has been restricted by the police - not in order to fight crime, but to those who are involved and all those who were somewhere close to trouble.
There is nothing new under the sun and the story repeats itself again and again. It's not about the compensation of a particular group of workers. It's about control of culture and knowledge, for those who master these things, controls the world.
The entertainment industry has tried to embarrass us by telling us that what we do is illegal, that we were pirates. They try to push us in any stone. Check out looking around today, as they have failed. Yes, we are pirates. But anyone who thinks being a pirate is a disgrace, has illegally. It is something we are proud.
Because we have already seen what it means to be without central control. We already have the freedom tasted, smelled and felt, without centralized monopoly of culture and knowledge to be. We have already learned to read and write.
And we will not forget how to read and how to write, only because in the eyes of the media is not yesterday's match.
I'm impressed by this speech, because it clearly makes beautiful, as this movement was born.
In fact, I think that is unacceptable as Interior Minister Schäuble.