edition No 17 of the Perl magazine, "$ foo" is here!
begins a new year and the Perl-Magazin ( http://perl-magazin.de ) is back. With the 17th Issue, we go to the 5th Year of "$ foo". The booklets
go out tomorrow morning to subscribers by mail ...
this issue: *
To be on Java EE server management interfaces can access, there is the module jmx4perl. The module implements a Agentenbasiertern approach. Dr. Roland Huss reported in this article how to use the module in your own programs.
* Perl and SVG
SVG is perhaps not the news per se, but it's always very useful and good. This article shows how using Perl and various modules - can be created and modified SVG graphics - even in Perl 6.
* OTRS community meetings
The community plays in software OTRS, which is written entirely in Perl, an increasingly important role. Alexander Hall reports from the first OTRS community meeting and invite the second meeting.
* Dip in with HTML5 Web Sockets and Perl
The next generation of HTML is at the door. What options WebSockets offer and how to use such WebSockets with Perl, describes Viacheslav Tykhanovskyi in his article.
* What's new in Perl 5:14
In April there will be the next stable release of Perl - Perl 5.14. Since Perl 5.12.x has again done a lot. The most important and exciting changes are shown in this article.
* WxPerl VI Tutorial - Menus, Toolbars, ...
understood for decades in applications developer programs for end users with a graphical interface. This episode is dedicated to the parts that were missing so far this: menu, toolbar, status bar, keyboard and mouse input.
* Moose Tutorial III - Inheritance
After the last two editions of the themes of "attributes" and "methods" deals were is, in this issue the subject of "inheritance" from the series. In the next issue will be "roles" were discussed. Some programmers prefer to "roll" towards the "inheritance". Both have their right to exist.
* Review of "Effective Perl Programming"
Thomas Kappler wrote the book "Effective Perl Programming" read and gives an insight into the book.
* review books on IT history
equal to two books Breunung Herbert reported: "Coding for Fun" and "computer history (n)-not just for geeks", both published by Galileo Press.
* HowTo: Parallel:: Iterator
This Article Thomas Fahle shows how to use Parallel: iterator can handle multiple tasks in parallel.
* Miscellaneous
Also in this issue, it shows the new releases of 6 CPAN modules, News from the LPF and dates
Monday, January 31, 2011
Saturday, January 29, 2011
Is Milk Good For Indigestion
speech at Chemnitzer Linux-Tage
So slowly I have to plan, will participate in other events 2011 I. There are so many possibilities . I will definitely go to the LinuxTag Chemnitz , for I will give a talk there also - over Perl:: Critic .
Let me tell my old Perl:: Critic-talk on work again ...
I would be happy if many people to Chemnitz come.
So slowly I have to plan, will participate in other events 2011 I. There are so many possibilities . I will definitely go to the LinuxTag Chemnitz , for I will give a talk there also - over Perl:: Critic .
Let me tell my old Perl:: Critic-talk on work again ...
I would be happy if many people to Chemnitz come.
Friday, January 7, 2011
Expecting A Baby And Message
Pod:: Simple:: XHTML and Pod in UTF-8
I'm almost finished with the first round while attempting $ foo as epub generate. The results look even moderately well. During the conversion process I use Pod:: Simple:: XHTML and the articles are in Pod ago - saved as UTF-8 .
The parser has been used like this:
came so but "rubbish" out with the umlauts. The doctype and charset specification in the meta tag was correctly set to UTF-8.
A look at the code of Pod:: Simple:: XHTML has shown that the text by HTML:: Entities :: encode_entities running. So something had to go wrong.
in the documentation of HTML:: Entities found nothing about UTF-8. So I quickly wrote a test script and indicated that:
brings false entities. A
works. So I have to take the IO layer, so that Perl reads the same file as UTF-8 (on I / O Layer here once wrote that recently).
So the problem is not with HTML:: Entities. But how can I Pod:: Simple:: XHTML say that the text is UTF-8? In the documentary, nothing found. Checked to see how the file is opened when parse_file. The result was
So with nothing IO-layers and the 2-arg form of open (see also this blog post ).
For Pod:: Simple, it is so that newer releases will be kept backwards compatible to pre-5.8. Since this does not work with the IO layers. That will not then.
But Pod:: Simple is supported parse_file (* FILEHANDLE) . So I put this a little like this: open my $
I'm almost finished with the first round while attempting $ foo as epub generate. The results look even moderately well. During the conversion process I use Pod:: Simple:: XHTML and the articles are in Pod ago - saved as UTF-8 .
The parser has been used like this:
my $ parser = Pod:: Simple:: XHTML-> new;
$ parser-> parse_file ('article.pod');
came so but "rubbish" out with the umlauts. The doctype and charset specification in the meta tag was correctly set to UTF-8.
A look at the code of Pod:: Simple:: XHTML has shown that the text by HTML:: Entities :: encode_entities running. So something had to go wrong.
in the documentation of HTML:: Entities found nothing about UTF-8. So I quickly wrote a test script and indicated that:
use HTML:: Entities;
my $ text;
local $ /; open
my $ fh, '<', 'article.pod'; $text = <$fh>;
close $ fh;
encode_entities ($ text);
brings false entities. A
use HTML:: Entities;
my $ text;
{local $ /;
open my $ fh, '<', 'article.pod'; binmode ":encoding(utf-8)"; $text = <$fh> ;
close $ fh;}
encode_entities print ($ text);
works. So I have to take the IO layer, so that Perl reads the same file as UTF-8 (on I / O Layer here once wrote that recently).
So the problem is not with HTML:: Entities. But how can I Pod:: Simple:: XHTML say that the text is UTF-8? In the documentary, nothing found. Checked to see how the file is opened when parse_file. The result was
{local * PODSOURCE;
open (PODSOURCE, "<$source") || Carp::croak("Can't open $source: $!"); $self-> {'source_filename'} = $ source;
$ source = * PODSOURCE {IO};}
So with nothing IO-layers and the 2-arg form of open (see also this blog post ).
For Pod:: Simple, it is so that newer releases will be kept backwards compatible to pre-5.8. Since this does not work with the IO layers. That will not then.
But Pod:: Simple is supported parse_file (* FILEHANDLE) . So I put this a little like this: open my $
pod_fh '<:encoding(utf-8)', 'article.pod' or die $!; my $parser = Pod::Simple::XHTML-> new;
$ parser-> parse_file ($ pod_fh);
Saturday, January 1, 2011
Difference Between Mino Flip Hd And Ultra Hd
New Company
Yesterday was the last day of Smart-Websolutions GbR Windolph and bakers. Reasons of time, my partner got out. As I continue to work as an independent and will continue also Perl magazine, I signed a new company. This is also a new website: Perl Services.de
$ foo will therefore continue to give and I will continue to do very much with Perl ;-) have
Yesterday was the last day of Smart-Websolutions GbR Windolph and bakers. Reasons of time, my partner got out. As I continue to work as an independent and will continue also Perl magazine, I signed a new company. This is also a new website: Perl Services.de
$ foo will therefore continue to give and I will continue to do very much with Perl ;-) have
Tory Burch In Malasya?
The proposal of a German-language Perl Aggregators blog has been discussed a while ago at the Frankfurt Perl Mongers . Yesterday I then sat down times, Perlanet installed and set up.
The thing is extremely easy. Then set up cron job that runs every hour at the moment - and is planet.perl-magazin.de .
There's also the list of blogs involved. If something is missing, then give your notice.
The proposal of a German-language Perl Aggregators blog has been discussed a while ago at the Frankfurt Perl Mongers . Yesterday I then sat down times, Perlanet installed and set up.
Perlanet need HTML:: Tidy what sending you tidyp needs. On my server there are not as a package, so I had my own . Build After that worked to install Perlanet and HTML:: Tidy properly.
The thing is extremely easy. Then set up cron job that runs every hour at the moment - and is planet.perl-magazin.de .
There's also the list of blogs involved. If something is missing, then give your notice.
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