The Basic Law: Wonderful work and opportunity
The Basic Law: Wonderful work and opportunity
London / Paris. 16. May 2009. Many people in Germany celebrate the 60th anniversary of the Basic Law 1949 to 2009.
After 12 years of tyranny and the almost unimaginable horrors of a Nazi terrorist dictatorship in the years 1933 to 1945 in Germany and Europe to the people in Germany after the capitulation of the Wehrmacht on 8 May 1945 in the year 1949, where the basic law, a precious work for freedom, rights, human rights and democracy live and to ensure.
now and then some people say that they had given the people of Germany, the Basic Law. I do not mind because in the years 1933 and 1945 killed up to ten million people, Jewish brothers and sisters, Communists, Socialists, Gypsies, Christians (Dietrich Bonhoeffer, Edith Stein to describe a few examples), war opponents such as Christopher Propst, Hans and Sophie Scholl, different and free thinking people, disabled people and twins in barbaric human experiments, homosexuals and prisoners of war died in concentration camps.
During World War II killed 50 million people, among them German child-soldier still, although it was known that the war was lost in recent weeks and months "burned" as "cannon fodder" on the front lines were. Germany was bombed to rubble and in the post-war years, people met in Germany a barely imaginable, very difficult period of famine in the midst of the rubble.
Given these facts, I do not want the constitution to the people of Germany was "a gift", after so much blood of people around the world and Germany has been shed. Therefore, it stands to reason the law was given to people to tyranny, dictatorship, war and destruction as a wonderful work, which must be seen as an opportunity accordance with the Basic Law formulated in order to commit to peace in the world. It is important for the precious fundamental rights which are enshrined in the constitution, give not just out of hand and lose. It is important for fundamental rights in the constitution to live, to guarantee the respect of fundamental rights for all people and to commit to human rights, fundamental rights, freedom and peace, so that not conquer the enemies of fundamental rights, human rights, freedom and peace.
ARTICLE 5, Basic Law, Germany
(1) Everyone has the right to his opinion by speech, writing and pictures to freely express and disseminate from generally accessible sources freely informed. Press freedom and freedom of reporting by radio and films are guaranteed. Censorship does not occur.
(2) These rights are subject to limitations in the provisions of general laws, legal provisions to protect young people and the right to personal honor.
(3) art and science, research and teaching are free. Freedom of teaching does not release from allegiance to the Constitution.
Andreas Klamm, French, German, African-European journalist, radio journalist, author, television radio and film producer since 1984
Saturday, May 16, 2009
Friday, May 8, 2009
Collapse Puzzle Levels
Green Envelope Campaign Launched To Free Roxana Saberi
Roxani Saberi working as a journalist and videographer. Photo: Eustacio Humphrey / ZUMA Press
Green Envelope Campaign Launched To Free Roxana Saberi
1,000,000 Green Envelopes Needed to be Sent to Iranian Embassies & U.N. from Around the World
By Andreas Klamm
Nashville, TN. / Teheran, Iran. May 7, 2009. Roxana Saberi is an Iranian-Japanese descendant, a female freelance journalist, and an U.S. citizen and Iranian citizen, who often covers according to different sources and Christian Newswire the conditions and plight of women in Iran. She was arrested in February 2009, and is currently being held in the notorious Evin prison close to the city of Teheran in Iran.
The charges brought up against Roxana have been in the first step that she has been accused that she might have bought a bottle of wine and surprisingly in the second step that she has been accused spying for the United States of America.
Roxana Saberi has been sentenced to eight years in prison, after a closed quick and even baseless “trial”. For twelve days she has been on a hunger strike.
Roxana (31) has covered many stories on the welfare of women in Iran, highlighting stories that cover the conditions that they deal with there. Roxana Saberi, who holds dual Iranian-American citizenship, was tried in the Revolutionary Court, which usually hears cases involving national security.
Roxana Saberi had worked as a freelance reporter for several news organizations including National Public Radio and the British Broadcasting Corporation.
Girls against porn has now launched an international campaign to free the journalist Roxana Saberi.
On their web site the association is calling all citizen and women of the world to participate the 1,000.000 Green Envelope Campaign to send an instant email to the Iranian embassies around the world and the United Nations representation with the brief message that states “ RELEASE ROXANA SABERI, PLEASE.”
In addition to e-mailing the Iranian representation and embassies the association wants to get 1,000,000 green envelopes sent to the embassies and the United Nations (UN) with the following message inside:
“ RELEASE INNOCENT ROXANA SABERI, PLEASE ! ” – send to the Iranian embassy in your country, such as the United States of America, United Kingdom, Mexico, France, Spain, European Union, Russia or any other country in this world.
The plan is to bombard the Iranian embassies across the world with green envelopes that say: “ RELEASE ROXANA SABERI, now, please. ” to send respectfully a clear and firm message that an innocent journalist must be released.
It is also recommended to leave a comment on Iranian President Mahmoud Ahamdinejad´s blog on and to ask him respectfully for the RELEASE OF INNOCENT ROXANA SABERI.
People can send also a respectful note petitioning to the supreme leader of Iran, the Ayathollah Ali Khamenei on .
Governments may use diplomatic means but that only goes so far as we have seen. As united world citizens we can make together a difference !
An international coalition of world citizens corporately, can have a huge effect on political actions and move decisions.
All women, reporters, media agencies, non-profit, religious, or women´s organizations, corporations who conduct business in Iran and anyone concerned about human and women´s right from around the world is requested to participate the international 1,000.000 Green Envelope Campaign To Free Roxana Saberi.
What else people might do to free the innocent journalist Roxana Saberi?
Call the representatives by phone or sign one of many petitions such as on Facebook or on and many other place around the world.
A massive worldwide coalition is needed to FREE Roxana Saberi and there is no single doubt, the journalist Roxana Saberi and her family is in need of our help.
More details can be found on
Public petitions online to FREE the journalist Roxana Saberi
Additional information by Andrew P. Harrod:
Andreas Klamm is a French-German journalist, broadcast journalist, TV producer, radio producer and film producer and author of seven books since 1984. He is working in the United States of America, United Kingdom, Belgium, France, and Germany and also as managing editor and a news correspondent of MJB Mission News, ISSN 1999-8414 and Liberty and Peace NOW! Human Rights Reporters. More information available on and

Roxani Saberi working as a journalist and videographer. Photo: Eustacio Humphrey / ZUMA Press
Green Envelope Campaign Launched To Free Roxana Saberi
1,000,000 Green Envelopes Needed to be Sent to Iranian Embassies & U.N. from Around the World
By Andreas Klamm
Nashville, TN. / Teheran, Iran. May 7, 2009. Roxana Saberi is an Iranian-Japanese descendant, a female freelance journalist, and an U.S. citizen and Iranian citizen, who often covers according to different sources and Christian Newswire the conditions and plight of women in Iran. She was arrested in February 2009, and is currently being held in the notorious Evin prison close to the city of Teheran in Iran.
The charges brought up against Roxana have been in the first step that she has been accused that she might have bought a bottle of wine and surprisingly in the second step that she has been accused spying for the United States of America.
Roxana Saberi has been sentenced to eight years in prison, after a closed quick and even baseless “trial”. For twelve days she has been on a hunger strike.
Roxana (31) has covered many stories on the welfare of women in Iran, highlighting stories that cover the conditions that they deal with there. Roxana Saberi, who holds dual Iranian-American citizenship, was tried in the Revolutionary Court, which usually hears cases involving national security.
Roxana Saberi had worked as a freelance reporter for several news organizations including National Public Radio and the British Broadcasting Corporation.
Girls against porn has now launched an international campaign to free the journalist Roxana Saberi.
On their web site the association is calling all citizen and women of the world to participate the 1,000.000 Green Envelope Campaign to send an instant email to the Iranian embassies around the world and the United Nations representation with the brief message that states “ RELEASE ROXANA SABERI, PLEASE.”
In addition to e-mailing the Iranian representation and embassies the association wants to get 1,000,000 green envelopes sent to the embassies and the United Nations (UN) with the following message inside:
“ RELEASE INNOCENT ROXANA SABERI, PLEASE ! ” – send to the Iranian embassy in your country, such as the United States of America, United Kingdom, Mexico, France, Spain, European Union, Russia or any other country in this world.
The plan is to bombard the Iranian embassies across the world with green envelopes that say: “ RELEASE ROXANA SABERI, now, please. ” to send respectfully a clear and firm message that an innocent journalist must be released.
It is also recommended to leave a comment on Iranian President Mahmoud Ahamdinejad´s blog on and to ask him respectfully for the RELEASE OF INNOCENT ROXANA SABERI.
People can send also a respectful note petitioning to the supreme leader of Iran, the Ayathollah Ali Khamenei on .
Governments may use diplomatic means but that only goes so far as we have seen. As united world citizens we can make together a difference !
An international coalition of world citizens corporately, can have a huge effect on political actions and move decisions.
All women, reporters, media agencies, non-profit, religious, or women´s organizations, corporations who conduct business in Iran and anyone concerned about human and women´s right from around the world is requested to participate the international 1,000.000 Green Envelope Campaign To Free Roxana Saberi.
What else people might do to free the innocent journalist Roxana Saberi?
Call the representatives by phone or sign one of many petitions such as on Facebook or on and many other place around the world.
A massive worldwide coalition is needed to FREE Roxana Saberi and there is no single doubt, the journalist Roxana Saberi and her family is in need of our help.
More details can be found on
Public petitions online to FREE the journalist Roxana Saberi
Additional information by Andrew P. Harrod:
Andreas Klamm is a French-German journalist, broadcast journalist, TV producer, radio producer and film producer and author of seven books since 1984. He is working in the United States of America, United Kingdom, Belgium, France, and Germany and also as managing editor and a news correspondent of MJB Mission News, ISSN 1999-8414 and Liberty and Peace NOW! Human Rights Reporters. More information available on and
Monday, May 4, 2009
Change In Body Style Tahoe
Special information and request for sponors for registration and WORLD WORLD CITIZEN PASSPORT
Special information and request for sponors for WORLD CITIZEN registration and WORLD PASSPORT
May 4, 2009
Dear Madam !
Dear Sir !
Dear Readers !
Special information and request for sponors for WORLD CITIZEN registration and WORLD PASSPORT
Since 1984 I am working as a French-German journalist, broadcast journalist, author of seven books (please see the PDF attachment), TV producer, radio producer and film producers.
Already in the years of 1986 (18), 1987, 1988, 1989 I have received awards, promotions and honors (including financial support) by a State Department for Political Education in Germany.
As you know the global financial melt down has been taking place world wide. Therefore I am going through a hard time of financial hardship although I am working hard day and night.
My grandfather was a Lieutenant with the First French Army in 1945 and he was stationed in the German city of Kaiserslautern. He is missing since 1945. After a world wide research ongoing since 1984, when I have been 16 years, about 3 years ago in 2006 I have been able to trace back what happened to his close friend which was also a Lieutenant with the First French Army in 1945 and which was missing since 1945, too.
We know in our family what special duties does mean and we know how to work hard for our aims.
As you know the global financial melt down is serious such as the great depression in 1929. Therefore I do believe we have to continue to work hard, even while our business and even we have a financial hardship and to work together for a better world in the future.
However as managing editor of several media publications and French-German journalist I have do to this, even if the total financial collapse might take place as some free masons have told me already last year.
This is a personal request. At this time I am looking for a sponsor which is willing and still able to support my registration as WORLD CITIZEN, WORLD CITIZENSHIP PASSPORT and other documents. Payment would be made directly for this special purpose by one or more sponsors to the World Government, on .
The costs would be about total of 240 U.S. Dollars for all the documents, 8 year World Passport and registration fees, so far as I have been able to research all the information.
Best would be to contact Mr. Garry Davis or Mr. David Gallup and to write him that you are a sponsor to make the payment for Mr. Andreas Klamm, as I have sent already my documents to the WORLD GOVERNMENT in Washington D.C. .
As I am not able to speak the Chinese language I have written to Washington D.C., instead of Shanghai.
As I have no idea when this global melt down will be over I can not promise anything at this time in the area of financial issues.
It seems to be a serious crisis as even U.S. President Barack Obama has declared for many times on radio and television.
If you know anyone which could be a sponsor for me I would appreciate this very much.
Second part of this message:
Liberty and Peace NOW! Human Rights Reporters is looking for sponsors for an international educational television production
Liberty and Peace NOW! Human Rights Reporters is an international non-commercial project for Human Rights. As managing editor I do even co-operate with employees of the United Nations (UN) as a token for my support for international understanding since 1986.
Mr. Garry Davis is one of the founding fathers of the World Government and we want him on our television program. As you know he is already an old man and we want not to miss the chance to have him on our television and radio programs.
Last year I had the chance already to get an interview on radio with Mr. David Gallup from the WORLD GOVERNMENT in Washington, D.C.
Therefore we want him and some other people on the educational radio and television program also.
The TV production shall be produced in the United States of America, if possible.
The cost would be about 1.000 U.S. Dollars for a round trip for flights from Europe to the United States of America and to Europe and certainly for a place where to stay. The TV program will be aired international in the English language.
If we could find a Chinese interpreter or translator the TV and radio program could be translated into the Chinese language also.
We are non-commercial and therefore we will not receive any government money or advertising money. By the way we do not know any company in Europe which would be willing to support a World Government in Washington, D.C. officially at this special times of crisis.
Do not misunderstand this. Certainly we are NOT against the U.S. President Barack Obama as he has declared himself in the city of Berlin in Germany, that he is a WORLD CITIZEN . By the way he truly is one WORLD CITIZEN. About 8 weeks ago I have written a huge article about the U.S. President Barack Obama which has got published with a German periodical paper.
However I do believe that a WORLD GOVERNMENT will be established in the future and in some way it does exist already. Even if some other people might be thinking this is not the right time to talk about "dreams such as a WORLD GOVERNMENT..." I do believe it is the right time to share the thoughts about a WORLD GOVERNMENT at this time that people will have a chance to join the movement for the WORLD GOVERNMENT and the new global leaders.
As a French-German citizen by birth in many ways I am thinking anyway cosmopolitan and as a Global Citizen and World Citizen.
Since 1986 I am supporting international understanding with people around the world and I had plenty of them on my television programs already in 1986, 1987, 1988 and 1989 and the following years. Certainly I will love to have more people from around the globe on my television programs and even radio programs.
There is a restriction which does apply. In our international programs the English language is PREFERRED because we believe it is actually one out of eight most important world languages.
If anyone wants to read, buy and order my books, please write an email to
My books are written in the English, French, German and English language, partial -- the major parts are written in the English and German language followed by French and English.
If you have more questions let me know.
In 2001 / 2002 I have been two times in New York City, United States of America. I have been a volunteer for a couple of national and international organizations meeting very precious people including UN employees from around the world.
Thank you.
Books by Andreas Klamm broadcast journalist, journalist, author, writer and independent radio and television film producer since 1984
Books by Andreas Klamm, journalist, radio journalist, writer, author and freelance television radio and film producer since 1984
France ( France)
Liberty, Peace and Media: Amy Goodman And The Freedom Of The Press - Excellent Journalists In Extraordinary Times , Books on Demand GmbH, Paris, France, (February 2009), 276 pages (pages), Author: Andreas Klamm, journalist. Language: English / German (languages: English / German, bi-lingual), ISBN-10: 2-8106-0269-7, ISBN-13: 978-2-8106-0269-8. 19.49 €
Liberty and Peace NOW! Human Rights Reporters 2, Human Rights, abuses and violations of Human Rights , international understanding, BOD Editeur Paris, France, (February 2009), 280 pages (sides). Author: Andreas Klamm, journalist, Language: English / German (languages: English / German, bi-lingual), ISBN-10: 2-8106-0427-4, ISBN-13: 9-782-8106-0427-2. 19:49 €
Germany (Germany)
Liberty, Peace and Media: Amy Goodman - Excellent Journalists In Extraordinary Times , Books on Demand GmbH, Norderstedt, Germany, (February 2009), 264 pages (sides). Author: Andreas Klamm, journalist. Language: English / German (language: English / German, bi-lingual), ISBN-10: 3-8370-7473-0, ISBN-13: 978-383707473. 18.90 €
Liberty and Peace NOW! Human Rights Reporters: Media project Human Rights Reporter:: Edition 2008, no. 1, Human Rights , abuses and violations of Human Rights, international understanding: Books on Demand GmbH, Edition 1 (October 2008), 272 pages (sides). Author: Andreas Klamm, journalist. Language English / German (languages: English / German, bi-lingual), ISBN-10: 3-8370-7243-6,
ISBN-13: 978-3-8370-7243-3. 19.99 €
British Newsflash Magazine:: Magazine-Book: 2008 edition, no. 1 , issues and reports from the political, social and Society, issues from politics, social affairs and society, 200 pages (sides). Author: Andreas Klamm, journalist, publishing house / center Publishing: Books on Demand GmbH, Edition 1, (June 2008), Language: German / English (languages: German with other articles in English), ISBN-10: 3-8370 -4600-1, ISBN-13: 978-3-8370-4600-7. 28.90 €
The children of John Baptist Mission in Togo: Mission and help for children (The children of the John Baptist Mission in Togo: Mission and help for children ), 200 pages (pages), Author: Andreas Klamm, journalist, publishing house / center Publishing: Books on Demand GmbH, Edition 1, (August 2008) Language: English, German and articles by co-authors in the French language. (Languages: German and with co-authors of articles in French and English), ISBN-10: 3-8370-5762-3, ISBN-13: 978-3-8370-5762-1. 15.99 €
Thank you in advance!
Best wishes.
Kind regards,
Andreas Klamm, French-German journalist, broadcast journalist
, author and managing editor
of Liberty and Peace NOW! Human Rights Reporters
Special information and request for sponors for WORLD CITIZEN registration and WORLD PASSPORT
May 4, 2009
Dear Madam !
Dear Sir !
Dear Readers !
Special information and request for sponors for WORLD CITIZEN registration and WORLD PASSPORT
Since 1984 I am working as a French-German journalist, broadcast journalist, author of seven books (please see the PDF attachment), TV producer, radio producer and film producers.
Already in the years of 1986 (18), 1987, 1988, 1989 I have received awards, promotions and honors (including financial support) by a State Department for Political Education in Germany.
As you know the global financial melt down has been taking place world wide. Therefore I am going through a hard time of financial hardship although I am working hard day and night.
My grandfather was a Lieutenant with the First French Army in 1945 and he was stationed in the German city of Kaiserslautern. He is missing since 1945. After a world wide research ongoing since 1984, when I have been 16 years, about 3 years ago in 2006 I have been able to trace back what happened to his close friend which was also a Lieutenant with the First French Army in 1945 and which was missing since 1945, too.
We know in our family what special duties does mean and we know how to work hard for our aims.
As you know the global financial melt down is serious such as the great depression in 1929. Therefore I do believe we have to continue to work hard, even while our business and even we have a financial hardship and to work together for a better world in the future.
However as managing editor of several media publications and French-German journalist I have do to this, even if the total financial collapse might take place as some free masons have told me already last year.
This is a personal request. At this time I am looking for a sponsor which is willing and still able to support my registration as WORLD CITIZEN, WORLD CITIZENSHIP PASSPORT and other documents. Payment would be made directly for this special purpose by one or more sponsors to the World Government, on .
The costs would be about total of 240 U.S. Dollars for all the documents, 8 year World Passport and registration fees, so far as I have been able to research all the information.
Best would be to contact Mr. Garry Davis or Mr. David Gallup and to write him that you are a sponsor to make the payment for Mr. Andreas Klamm, as I have sent already my documents to the WORLD GOVERNMENT in Washington D.C. .
As I am not able to speak the Chinese language I have written to Washington D.C., instead of Shanghai.
As I have no idea when this global melt down will be over I can not promise anything at this time in the area of financial issues.
It seems to be a serious crisis as even U.S. President Barack Obama has declared for many times on radio and television.
If you know anyone which could be a sponsor for me I would appreciate this very much.
Second part of this message:
Liberty and Peace NOW! Human Rights Reporters is looking for sponsors for an international educational television production
Liberty and Peace NOW! Human Rights Reporters is an international non-commercial project for Human Rights. As managing editor I do even co-operate with employees of the United Nations (UN) as a token for my support for international understanding since 1986.
Mr. Garry Davis is one of the founding fathers of the World Government and we want him on our television program. As you know he is already an old man and we want not to miss the chance to have him on our television and radio programs.
Last year I had the chance already to get an interview on radio with Mr. David Gallup from the WORLD GOVERNMENT in Washington, D.C.
Therefore we want him and some other people on the educational radio and television program also.
The TV production shall be produced in the United States of America, if possible.
The cost would be about 1.000 U.S. Dollars for a round trip for flights from Europe to the United States of America and to Europe and certainly for a place where to stay. The TV program will be aired international in the English language.
If we could find a Chinese interpreter or translator the TV and radio program could be translated into the Chinese language also.
We are non-commercial and therefore we will not receive any government money or advertising money. By the way we do not know any company in Europe which would be willing to support a World Government in Washington, D.C. officially at this special times of crisis.
Do not misunderstand this. Certainly we are NOT against the U.S. President Barack Obama as he has declared himself in the city of Berlin in Germany, that he is a WORLD CITIZEN . By the way he truly is one WORLD CITIZEN. About 8 weeks ago I have written a huge article about the U.S. President Barack Obama which has got published with a German periodical paper.
However I do believe that a WORLD GOVERNMENT will be established in the future and in some way it does exist already. Even if some other people might be thinking this is not the right time to talk about "dreams such as a WORLD GOVERNMENT..." I do believe it is the right time to share the thoughts about a WORLD GOVERNMENT at this time that people will have a chance to join the movement for the WORLD GOVERNMENT and the new global leaders.
As a French-German citizen by birth in many ways I am thinking anyway cosmopolitan and as a Global Citizen and World Citizen.
Since 1986 I am supporting international understanding with people around the world and I had plenty of them on my television programs already in 1986, 1987, 1988 and 1989 and the following years. Certainly I will love to have more people from around the globe on my television programs and even radio programs.
There is a restriction which does apply. In our international programs the English language is PREFERRED because we believe it is actually one out of eight most important world languages.
If anyone wants to read, buy and order my books, please write an email to
My books are written in the English, French, German and English language, partial -- the major parts are written in the English and German language followed by French and English.
If you have more questions let me know.
In 2001 / 2002 I have been two times in New York City, United States of America. I have been a volunteer for a couple of national and international organizations meeting very precious people including UN employees from around the world.
Thank you.
Books by Andreas Klamm broadcast journalist, journalist, author, writer and independent radio and television film producer since 1984
Books by Andreas Klamm, journalist, radio journalist, writer, author and freelance television radio and film producer since 1984
France ( France)
Liberty, Peace and Media: Amy Goodman And The Freedom Of The Press - Excellent Journalists In Extraordinary Times , Books on Demand GmbH, Paris, France, (February 2009), 276 pages (pages), Author: Andreas Klamm, journalist. Language: English / German (languages: English / German, bi-lingual), ISBN-10: 2-8106-0269-7, ISBN-13: 978-2-8106-0269-8. 19.49 €
Liberty and Peace NOW! Human Rights Reporters 2, Human Rights, abuses and violations of Human Rights , international understanding, BOD Editeur Paris, France, (February 2009), 280 pages (sides). Author: Andreas Klamm, journalist, Language: English / German (languages: English / German, bi-lingual), ISBN-10: 2-8106-0427-4, ISBN-13: 9-782-8106-0427-2. 19:49 €
Germany (Germany)
Liberty, Peace and Media: Amy Goodman - Excellent Journalists In Extraordinary Times , Books on Demand GmbH, Norderstedt, Germany, (February 2009), 264 pages (sides). Author: Andreas Klamm, journalist. Language: English / German (language: English / German, bi-lingual), ISBN-10: 3-8370-7473-0, ISBN-13: 978-383707473. 18.90 €
Liberty and Peace NOW! Human Rights Reporters: Media project Human Rights Reporter:: Edition 2008, no. 1, Human Rights , abuses and violations of Human Rights, international understanding: Books on Demand GmbH, Edition 1 (October 2008), 272 pages (sides). Author: Andreas Klamm, journalist. Language English / German (languages: English / German, bi-lingual), ISBN-10: 3-8370-7243-6,
ISBN-13: 978-3-8370-7243-3. 19.99 €
British Newsflash Magazine:: Magazine-Book: 2008 edition, no. 1 , issues and reports from the political, social and Society, issues from politics, social affairs and society, 200 pages (sides). Author: Andreas Klamm, journalist, publishing house / center Publishing: Books on Demand GmbH, Edition 1, (June 2008), Language: German / English (languages: German with other articles in English), ISBN-10: 3-8370 -4600-1, ISBN-13: 978-3-8370-4600-7. 28.90 €
The children of John Baptist Mission in Togo: Mission and help for children (The children of the John Baptist Mission in Togo: Mission and help for children ), 200 pages (pages), Author: Andreas Klamm, journalist, publishing house / center Publishing: Books on Demand GmbH, Edition 1, (August 2008) Language: English, German and articles by co-authors in the French language. (Languages: German and with co-authors of articles in French and English), ISBN-10: 3-8370-5762-3, ISBN-13: 978-3-8370-5762-1. 15.99 €
Thank you in advance!
Best wishes.
Kind regards,
Andreas Klamm, French-German journalist, broadcast journalist
, author and managing editor
of Liberty and Peace NOW! Human Rights Reporters
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