Saturday, May 16, 2009

Cramps But No Period Mucus

The Basic Law: Wonderful work and opportunity

The Basic Law: Wonderful work and opportunity

London / Paris. 16. May 2009. Many people in Germany celebrate the 60th anniversary of the Basic Law 1949 to 2009.

After 12 years of tyranny and the almost unimaginable horrors of a Nazi terrorist dictatorship in the years 1933 to 1945 in Germany and Europe to the people in Germany after the capitulation of the Wehrmacht on 8 May 1945 in the year 1949, where the basic law, a precious work for freedom, rights, human rights and democracy live and to ensure.

now and then some people say that they had given the people of Germany, the Basic Law. I do not mind because in the years 1933 and 1945 killed up to ten million people, Jewish brothers and sisters, Communists, Socialists, Gypsies, Christians (Dietrich Bonhoeffer, Edith Stein to describe a few examples), war opponents such as Christopher Propst, Hans and Sophie Scholl, different and free thinking people, disabled people and twins in barbaric human experiments, homosexuals and prisoners of war died in concentration camps.

During World War II killed 50 million people, among them German child-soldier still, although it was known that the war was lost in recent weeks and months "burned" as "cannon fodder" on the front lines were. Germany was bombed to rubble and in the post-war years, people met in Germany a barely imaginable, very difficult period of famine in the midst of the rubble.

Given these facts, I do not want the constitution to the people of Germany was "a gift", after so much blood of people around the world and Germany has been shed. Therefore, it stands to reason the law was given to people to tyranny, dictatorship, war and destruction as a wonderful work, which must be seen as an opportunity accordance with the Basic Law formulated in order to commit to peace in the world. It is important for the precious fundamental rights which are enshrined in the constitution, give not just out of hand and lose. It is important for fundamental rights in the constitution to live, to guarantee the respect of fundamental rights for all people and to commit to human rights, fundamental rights, freedom and peace, so that not conquer the enemies of fundamental rights, human rights, freedom and peace.

ARTICLE 5, Basic Law, Germany

(1) Everyone has the right to his opinion by speech, writing and pictures to freely express and disseminate from generally accessible sources freely informed. Press freedom and freedom of reporting by radio and films are guaranteed. Censorship does not occur.

(2) These rights are subject to limitations in the provisions of general laws, legal provisions to protect young people and the right to personal honor.
(3) art and science, research and teaching are free. Freedom of teaching does not release from allegiance to the Constitution.

Andreas Klamm, French, German, African-European journalist, radio journalist, author, television radio and film producer since 1984


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