Thursday, May 27, 2010
Herpes Lips Test 2010
This morning I woke up with a new idea.
are in the not too distant future, various elections, quite early in the year 2011, including in Baden-Wuerttemberg, Rhineland-Palatinate and Hesse (local elections) elected be, and the whole year for us pirates are characterized by ongoing election campaign.
We want to be a party that does not say "Here, citizens, swallow our great program" but encourages to get involved, and instead of approaching the citizens, "Tell me what should I do to reach you." Not all of it, we will seek to implement, but it should be important to the people there to listen to out there and incorporate their suggestions if they fit for us.
To achieve this, we should set up a portal, "The Pirate Party should work to ensure dass .." on the people interested in suggestions along the lines of can be submitted and also vote other ideas you can because if they were interesting.
Very important here is the simplest possible usability of complex systems such as Liquid feedback is therefore to be used because the threshold should be low as possible.
One possible implementation could use the already presented here by me idea torrents done.
What do you think of this? Who sits on the hat to quickly implement such a thing?
Monday, May 17, 2010
Lev Tahor Im Eshkachech Mp3
A petition to disclose the current state of ACTA has surfaced, I ask many support:
https: / / / index.php action = petition; sa = details; petition = 10 695
Sample Letter Community Service Completion
The Federal Party of the Pirate Party is over. It was a tough and demanding event.
It was clear from the beginning that it would not be possible to process all requests. That we would work but practically none of it is a matter with which I had not even expected to be even.
We have it in two days, in principle, only managed to fill all the positions to be elected and decide to 5-6 "little things".
What is that? The main reason is my opinion that we are a serious democratic party. We must all stand, everyone can express his opinion, each has the right to be heard, anyone is allowed to ask his questions. And disappear when we have 10 candidates, and each presenting within 3 minutes and 15 minutes of questions get asked, then there for 3 hours for these ideas. If the whole is still interrupted by other things, it quickly by four hours.
For us, it does not stop possible to choose a top candidate within a few hours to decide on a campaign platform, and a few other things like that seems to be possible for some old parties. We are not just decisions made in the back room, but transparent and with the participation of all. We are a grassroots party.
democracy is tough. Democracy takes time. Democracy costs money.
We are democratic.
And I'm proud.
I'm a pirate.
and proud of it.
Friday, May 14, 2010
Unlock All Digitalchannels
So, here is my checklist for the federal party the Pirate Party:
- clothing
- underwear
- toothbrush
- Deo
- gel
- toilet paper to avoid crappy experience at the location;)
- power strip
- mouse
- Laptop
- mobile phone charger
- Digital Camera
- notepad + pen
- umbrella
- pajamas
- LAN cable
- card
- mobile
- jacket
- towel
Monday, May 10, 2010
Largestboob In Bollywood
Yesterday, I had already indicated that there should be after the election defeat in NRW a great quest for a scapegoat.
Yesterday was an old scapegoat, with whom I had expected not more seriously dug.
Our name is debt Wolfang refers to Michal , bringing the good old name debate back into the game.
He suggests that we should rename the election results in "Digital Democratic Party."
He believes that our name would mainly attract protest voters. And I give him right there, who is in the voting booth undecided, and "the Great" will wipe out one, the more likely to elect a party with a provocative name.
He overlooks, however, a crucial fact: parties with serious names there are a dime a dozen. Parties such as "German Social Union, the Free Citizens Initiative" or the "LaRouche" sound in name but certainly respectable.
But the percentage of votes for these parties is quite low, the probability someone that only selected because they have a reputable name, is probably rather low.
Most people choose a party either because they could have always been elected, or because they have seen the contents, and were convinced. Against the former we can not do much anyway, the latter can achieve a lot of convincing.
should the name be completely irrelevant in both cases.
The name Pirate Party, however, makes clear at first glance that something different for us to be. Yes, the association with fun party is on there, but I think that is solvable with good publicity. Rebellion is as another thought, and the describes our approach to make a different, bottom-up policy, then going quite well.
If we now change our name, we lose many of the current believers who find us on the ballot this week may not be back. We prefer to spot those of us who always said with such a name would make no policy, and give it legally. If we can measure but only to the value standards of other parties, we can also resolve the same.
With a name change, many people will leave the party, the named many associate of us "be a pirate" and the goals that way of thinking and such. Shortly after the renaming, a new pirate party will be established, and we divide our movement unnecessarily.
can we not afford. And see, fortunately many other pirates as well. remain
Stand by to pirate!
Buy Invader Zim Gir Sweater
NRW selected. And in order to formulate it clearly. The Pirate Party has a receive significant defeat. One can say the least that we have kept in NRW with 1.5% the result of the election.
The truth is different. In the general election we had 158 585 convince people of our goals and ideas.
On 09/05/2010 contrast, there were only 119 581 people who voted for us. So we have 39 004 can not convince people to choose us again. Certainly, now many people were there for us the first time have chosen the absolute number of voters is thus re-sunk.
We have not only a target of 3% is not achieved, but even people who feel lost to us.
In the coming days there will be a search for reasons and I would anticipate now simply and name the scapegoat, also will run on it:
The program enlargement of the North Rhine-Westphalia Pirates in contrast to our basic program will be to blame. The extensive enhancements are now regarded as ill-conceived, the core issues had been watered down. These and similar arguments to come. And maybe it's true, too, maybe the whole but nothing to do with the actual problem.
In NRW, the pirates, a manifesto appeared substantially as well as the other parties. A full program, many of the positions found themselves in similar form for SPD / Left / Green.
But we must get away from this "We are a party, just like the other incumbents." We need a clear alternative to a political style of "Choose me position so that I can do let X years and what I want. "
People do not want to have ne Party, which is just like any other, with some other program.
We must now be made to provide the essential differences with other parties, clearly identified.
And the main difference is not, our attitude to civil rights or the Uhrheberrecht.
No, the main difference being that we all participate, anyone can bring to us his ideas , and that these ideas are heard by us.
Let us pursue that one can bring to our ideas, that not only our electorate is. Let us be interactive.
Let us not yet be ne other party. Instead, we should be " the interactive party ." We now need the ability in the party to make any opinion makers, at all times seek views at any time interactively contribute ideas. And when we have created these opportunities, we must ensure that This party not only be used internally - but also in public life. be
We should definitely make sure that we progress now Liquid Democracy in the party, and a interactive hands-party . We must be the one that now "dare more democracy .
Otherwise, I think this will be the beginning of the end.