Thursday, May 27, 2010

Herpes Lips Test 2010

more community involvement for the Pirates

This morning I woke up with a new idea.

are in the not too distant future, various elections, quite early in the year 2011, including in Baden-Wuerttemberg, Rhineland-Palatinate and Hesse (local elections) elected be, and the whole year for us pirates are characterized by ongoing election campaign.

We want to be a party that does not say "Here, citizens, swallow our great program" but encourages to get involved, and instead of approaching the citizens, "Tell me what should I do to reach you." Not all of it, we will seek to implement, but it should be important to the people there to listen to out there and incorporate their suggestions if they fit for us.

To achieve this, we should set up a portal, "The Pirate Party should work to ensure dass .." on the people interested in suggestions along the lines of can be submitted and also vote other ideas you can because if they were interesting.

Very important here is the simplest possible usability of complex systems such as Liquid feedback is therefore to be used because the threshold should be low as possible.

One possible implementation could use the already presented here by me idea torrents done.

What do you think of this? Who sits on the hat to quickly implement such a thing?


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