Frankfurt Perl Workshop 2010 - Day 1
Throughout the year there are rarely talks at , but we will always have at the end of a weekend for talks. In part, we use this workshop as a test environment for talks to be held at the German Perl Workshop or other events.
This year it was on just last weekend (27./28.11.) Ready. We are in this year times not Club Voltaire - our venue in recent years - have been, but in DGB Youth Club U68 . I personally think the space in the youth club is better suited.
Not only Frankfurter took attended the workshop: We also had guests from the Rhineland, near the Dutch border and a few others. Overall, we had 13 participants on Saturday.
We see the division of the workshop a very relaxed and have no fixed schedule. In the beginning, we first collected the paper proposals and Max has voluntarily made a start. With the theme "Webautomation with WWW:: Mechanize:: Firefox", the workshop has started. You can use the module make very interesting things. Max has shown it also another short stop its multi-user capable editor Zaphod in a new version. The main problem in automation, he has highlighted problems with the encoding.
In the course of the presentation then the conversation turned on Selenium so that I presented in connection to Max's lecture in a makeshift lightning talk Selenium short. Who is more interested in Selenium can also look at my three year old lecture or an older Screencast . Rolfs to question whether one can test dynamically assembled fill out forms /, we have tried summarily at the demo page OTRS 3.0 and noticed that it is not possible without manual post-processing of the recorded actions. One has the inclusion of Selenium IDE a "waitForElement" install, because the IDE actions happening too fast.
Herbert has shown more then Perl 6 operators and thereby also the "lol" context (List of Lists) is presented. What I find really good at Perl 6 is that there is a dedicated numeric and string context is that one can also consult directly.
Before the break, I then still held a lecture on "Perl for speakers" in which I presented a couple of modules that can facilitate the talks. Afterwards we went for lunch in our "hangout" MoschMosch .
After lunch Harald is received on the topic "UTF-8". But not how to work with Encode etc, but what's behind it. How much effort behind it, if you want to change the sort order, and what that has to do with Ducet and CLDR. I found this very interesting times an insight into the depths of such things get.
Then we started an IDE / Editor session. The entry has been Rolf, as he has shown emacs and presented his ideas of "standards" for editors / IDEs. I then presented Padre . The whole thing was * no * Editor war but simply the idea of the editors / IDEs and what you can learn from each other.
This was the first day to end ...
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