referendum - Our water
On Sunday the 13th February 2011 open to all eligible voters Berliners open the possibility of a
"referendum on the publication of partial privatization contracts at the Berlin Water Works" to participate. Saturday, February 12, 2011
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Since the Berlin Water Works 1999 to 49.9 percent of RWE and Veolia have been sold,
increased water prices in the capital, massive
. According to an interview with the Berliner Umschau Rudek Thomas, spokesman for the referendum, up to 35%
. The
sales contracts are kept secret until today
experts suggest eg a public profit guarantee for the investors
. At the expense of the state treasury. On 14 July 2010 ruled the country's Constitutional Court: Members may view the contracts in the future. For the referendum "water belongs to citizens of hand" this verdict is not sufficient. Since 2008, the Alliance is fighting for full disclosure of contracts
wants the water companies rekomunalisieren medium term.
The previous run of the Berlin referendum
The first stage of the referendum
was already
place in 2008
but was prohibited for the time being by the Senate until this decision by the country's Constitutional Court unanimously tipped was . The small action group gathered on 40'000Unterschriften
, thus exceeding their expectations and the minimum requirement of 20,000 signatures significantly.
These signatures were added from the responsible Minister of the Interior, but instead now set to the second stage of Volklsbegehrens in motion, said the then-red-red coalition, that the referendum violates higher-ranking law. More specifically, the much as the operating and trade secrets of corporations go to the citizens of nothing. But of course you may continue to pay good.
The refusal of the Senate was raised in the complaint before the episode Verfassungsgerichthof and again this was adopted unanimously. Nevertheless, passed a half years and only in the summer of 2010 we started with the 2nd Stage of the referendum.
Until 27 October 2010 has one to collect the 172,000 valid signatures of time. It succeeds to an impressive 280,000 valid signatures. According to information of the country vote director Dr. Peter Michaelis-Merzbacher from 11/09/2010 There are a total of 280 887 valid declaration of consent - that is 11.4 percent - more than the number required. Total of 320 700 signatures were submitted. "Where the country manager vote, that apply to the referendum rules have been respected and that the referendum has come over the disclosure of the partial privatization contracts concluded at the Berlin Water Works," it says in the statement. Why go to vote on Sunday? came in media and public discussions on the question of whether the referendum according to previous publications, it should be necessary. The initiators of the referendum say as follows:..
"In terms of transparency, have the contractors in the past, not exactly covered with glory, the disclosure is made voluntarily, but because of public opposition mobilized Whether all relevant components were released, we do not know. Could be, but can not be.
order to effect a full disclosure, it needs an additional Lever, namely, how the water table suggested that the invalidity of undisclosed ingredients. Whether this requirement may well be in breach of the fundamental law, we do not know. The Senate argued in the voting booklet. The country's Constitutional Court has this not been established. And it's not the first time that the Senate, with its inadmissibility claim beside it. " As far as the currently dominant issues in the public opinion the image. The further consequences of privatization of state infrastructure go much further than just the prices shamelessly lifted be. A look at today's drinking water quality shows that our drinking water is mixed with many chemical stress. The most important are listed.
lead and copper from the pipes of the house installation. asbestos fibers from the main pipes from the water company. pesticides, nitrate / nitrite and phosphates from agriculture. Female sex hormones from the pill. drug ingredients slimming products and cholesterol-lowering agents.
Surfactants from paint and detergents.
phthalates (plasticizers from plastics).
trihalomethanes, which may occur as reaction products from chlorination of drinking water, as well as chlorine itself
germs from the piping system, Giardia lamblia (Hundekotbakterie ) and pathogens such as Cryptosporidium.
Organic compounds of chlorine chemistry, such as PCB's In a 1997 Article in the German Medical Journal "it says in conclusion:" The evidence of numerous anthropogenic contaminants in raw water and drinking water concerns to justify the chemical quality of drinking water. "
By increasing privatization of sewage treatment plants, the necessary filtering our drinking water is almost impossible to guarantee, because this again is seeking to profit. Ergo privatization serves the interests of profit! Community interests such as quality of groundwater and the associated health of the consumers have to be subordinated to profit. Still expressed crass, material paper is about a mentally living beings! In addition, drinking water, the staple food Number one.
privatization of municipal drinking water suppliesThe European Union wants to privatize municipal water supplies ALL! Unbeknownst to the citizens is being strongly pushed almost in Brussels by the European Commission with the help of major power companies and other multinational corporations (eg Suez, Veolia, Eon, RWE and others) the privatization of public water supply for the whole of Europe. This can happen as in England and Wales already fear for the citizens harm. For there the water prices after privatization have increased greatly, the shareholders have siphoned off huge profits, the facilities were badly shattered down and water quality has deteriorated. The water pollution control has fallen by the wayside. It is no longer around water. It's all about the highest possible profits. operate
future, a private group (eg, EnBW, RWE and coca cola) water supply of a city, a community association for a purpose or an entire region. By so-called concessions, the water supply area for a long time (20 to 25 years) had been irrevocably out of hand.
Recommended Documentation & Video Reviews:
- The Corporation (German Subtitled) 1
- Part 2
- The Billion Business with our drinking water
- The Big Sellout
- The madness of saving water in Germany
- Hydraulic Fracking - Low Budget poison into the groundwater
- More information:
Berlin water table
water-secret contracts and the referendum: Media disclosure can not replace legal disclosure!
water referendum on 13 February is necessary
Wowereit and the secret treaties
But still secret treaties
"Berlin Water Table" promoting referendum
Before the referendum, "Our Water" Until now, little postal voters at referendum
Interview Berlin Water Works referendum
More info:
overpriced drinking water, vulnerable consumer water price Frontal21 01/19/2010
drinking water and health
"Water Makes Money" - if the film banned? - An Appeal!
The guarantor state - between selling out of state and corporate aristocracy
More Resources: has
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