This paper was provided in isolation from a busy info warrior with German audio. The topic of transhumanism offers in the German speaking not a big source of diversity and usually one is more entangled with appeasing propaganda, consider only the technological advantages, but not the negative developments or threats to a company.
offers especially the modern high technology in the field of microelectronics, the possibility of coming fully centralized data collection. The main problem is that these technical innovations are introduced and gradually get used to the coming generation, the state of total control or him by the propaganda instilled from childhood, no longer are able to recognize their slave status.
The total central power, the confluence of all the information and knowledge is probably always been a dream of the elite ...
This does not mean that I am opposed to technological progress, but without a sensitized population and a necessary mental maturity of the society, the potential of this technology will unfortunately only be used to keep people under control and manipulate on the flimsy promise that everything will be easier and better ....
Video Source: info war berlin
For more information:
The eugenics agenda of the elite and transhumanism
The Microchip Agenda ( . English subtitle + more info)
David Icke - Rise of the Robots
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