Monday, March 7, 2011

Aneurysm In Stomach Exploding

Blog Archive newspaper KW9


Blog Newspaper Week 9 Issue 1 (28.2 - 06.03.2011 / 14:00 Last updated 5:03 clock)


Handelsblatt represents existence of the U.S. gold reserves in question

Press Pro Europa eV

The Hidden Cause of Egypt crisis

Zwangspsychatrisierung a solar critic

geopolitics and national / international news

Libya: Obama signaled readiness for war attack at Frankfurt Airport: The religious environment of the pistol shooters Arid Uka
new charges against Bradley Manning brought an
The EU and Mrs. Aigner is sometimes buy again from Monsanto and Co. can
country Domino: The oil markets expected soon many new wars
short commentary on the resignation, Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg: We'll meet again, KTG!
Governing balance of power in danger U.S. and Europe are gearing up for intervention
Ron Paul wins another test vote against Sarah Palin!

revolution now export to North Korea
Libya: Military Option on the table
against the freedom
UN Security Council sanctions
naval agreement between Iran and Syria signed U.S. position troops around Libya
Clash of the Titans

economy and financial markets

inflation shock: the rampant inflation is here!
The euro's for sure! ECB: interest rate hike likely Fed Chairman Bernanke thinking aloud about QE3 after British banking giant HSBC will stop all foreclosures in the U.S.
The FED prints up to the fall
The Greeks did not pay - no matter what Read more do not pay over the Greeks - come what may of NIA: Prepare for serious civil unrest and looting before
"We will have to save the banks again (x)
paper currency crash makes for rising precious metal prices
What does Warren Buffett Why he keeps over 34 billion dollar cash? "Shutdown" in the United States - will soon no?
Fannie Mae & Freddie Mac: The calm before the storm

Society & Social

black paint with numbers: How do you bend the poverty statistics? The official kidnapping - and suddenly your child is gone ... This is perverse: people are starving and we will make fuel from food
Edgar reviewed gardeners "The capitalist conspiracy" COMPACT and the No. 2 U.S. extorted Thomas de Maiziere The left-Sarrazin
could go to war ...
The categorical imperative - a new film by Frank Hoefer The civil disobedience of the Greeks The American Idol-manipulation concept
KenFM on the fall of Guttenberg and the System Merkel "
career policemen, gangsters and the haphazard Citizens
The army, children's rights and Stephanie Guttenberg CDU wants to introduce militia in Berlin again
intimidation campaign against COMPACT and Sarrazin events
Kilez More clowns instead of the Rapindustrie
worse than terrorists? Caution metal thieves! Europe SOS: Save yourself if you can!
What is free here?
price rise in Berlin at about 2 percent Guttenberg: Tracing & Scientology

Health & eugenics

EU authority EFSA said: aspartame was not harmful overload: every tenth child in Germany mentally disturbed The herbal detoxification
Ex-IRS Agent and the Chemtrails genocide
Purchased truth - Genetic engineering in the magnetic field of the money
barley grass - effects and ingredients of one of the most valuable food
hemp - forbidden miracle plant Hair Care Tips: cheaper and healthier

centralization, monitoring & Internet

EU police forces to train civil war
Britons want to extend the EU system for airline passenger data
"Big heads, big hands, all full of water"
Social Network Security announces more vulnerabilities to social platforms has AK censorship yesterday constitutional complaint against Internet blocking law ("access difficulty Law") filed
CDU / CSU plans to introduce Internet censorship from tomorrow
USA-Wisconsin: Police assisted demonstrators
Google: If the cloud your data consumes
Austria: Retention in 2012 into force
Chinese hackers romp about a year in secret networks of Western energy giants

war, terror and corruption

At the limits of law The "instant-jihadist" and the Frankfurt attack USA: Obama regrets war crimes Frankfurt Airport: U.S. soldier and bus driver killed by gunfire
Frankfurt: report The hushed terror attack
: U.S. special forces found in Libya a report: U.S. special forces landed in Libya
Russian army: there were no air attacks on Benghazi U.S. warship heads for Libya (x) bring U.S. troops in position (x) risky rescue mission desert war (x)
Libya and the next picture book War
U.S. & EU do post-revolutionary governments with billions of tax dollars buy
neoconservatives for invasion of Libya
Iraq advertise: satellite regime of globalists demonstrators massacred war on everything
Iraq: Biggest Oil refinery closed for bomb
Libya: thousands of deaths and rumors of poison gas
Your friend and Kiffer

science and technology
bulb: In September comes from the
German satellite threatens to plunge to earth scanner for fingerprint and vein pattern
nature, environment and climate lies

E10-waste gasoline: More expensive and less
Telepolis: Climate gate was "bubble"
science climate politics - where the climate changes?
"green economy" of the United Nations could be $ 2.6 trillion per year cost "climate change" for nothing trillion
The BBC - Feigheitskultur and political correctness

interviews Debates & Kolummnen

lacostet What the world: 3500 trillion euros
So not, Mr Erdogan!
writing on the wall - who can interpret them?
Guttenberg discharge attack Schavan is an outrage - Cancellation due
Summa cum fraude - with the highest fraud


Ron Paul Ben Bernanke: Define me, will the dollar!
BRD = Bertelsmann Republic of Germany
The secret to Oz
who can lie without being RED is a true black!
Dr. John Lott: More guns, less crime
Film Tip: "Good Food, Bad Food" - Guidelines for a better agriculture
Judith Holofernes and its rejection of the tabloid (WDR "Kölner Treff" on 25/02 .2011)
EU accession of Switzerland (Alps Parliament)

Investigative, revelations & Wallpaper

James Woolsey, the CIA denies control over the media eugenics foundation awarded by Bill Gates positive coverage - also received German money transmitter PHOENIX ?
Mubarak overthrown by the CIA because he opposed American plans for war against Iran? (Part 1)
toppled the CIA-school for "people's revolutions"
Mubarak by the CIA because he was American plans for a war against Iran defied? (Part 2)
U.S. President and Nobel Peace Prize Obama distributed the "Medal of Freedom,"
COMPACT revealed: MI6 and al Qaeda against Gaddafi

global governance, propaganda and tyranny

. Enslavement of the companies at any price! Unmasking of the true ruler of the new planet.
The real revolution
has long covert U.S. military aid to Libya opposition?
Gerald Celente of uprisings in the Middle East and North Africa to Europe skip
Google revolution factory: Alliance of youth movements - Color Revolution 2.0

article suggestions contact us by mail:

(x) - Articles that have been marked by an x, usually contain propaganda, in the form of spin-prone information presentation or half-truths, or to narrow in perspective view. Nevertheless, these items often give information about the course of progress of the great political agenda and thus the reduction of civil liberties!

Saturday, March 5, 2011

How To Remove Popcorn Butter

flying disks and other secret weapon part 2 - fire balls and soap bubbles

Hagbud Seleyn
5th March 2011

the end of the 2nd World War II, Allied pilots reported again and again by shining flying bullets and similar appearance. In Part 1 of this series of articles I have several press reports on these so-called "Foo-fighters from the former Time played.

The British UFO reference book "The Encyclopedia of UFOs" writes about these strange balls of light:

"The Foo Fighters or herb-balls (" herb "is an American term of abuse for German, n. Hagbud), also known as were, were first observed as a very small balls of light, the fighter and bomber aircraft during the final months of the second World War followed, and apparently were annoying. These miniature UFOs appeared alone on a couple or in groups and sometimes seemed under some kind of remote intelligent monitoring to stand. They sent a steady stream of sometimes red, gold and white light, sometimes pulsating. "

fire balls and soap bubbles

The description of" flying ball "or" glowing ball strikes "in my opinion on various German developments, according to the author Norbert Jürgen-Ratthofer It should, however, to two main technologies have acted. In his essay "The Vril project", he writes:

"Under the umbrella term" foo fighter "refers to the Allies various German missiles which lights or ball shape was common.

particular, but there were probably two inventions covered by the term "foo fighters" were: The "flying Turtle "and the" bubbles ", two completely different things, but these were considered by the Allies as belonging together.

The "Flying Turtle" - the "fire ball" called - were from the technical department of the SS (not the SS E-IV) developed in Wiener Neustadt. It was for this equipment to remote controlled flying probes. Their external shape recalled the shell of a turtle "

Here are two pictures of the" Flying Turtle ".

According to the Graduate physicist Illo fire was powered this aircraft by a turbojet engine, in its report, "Unusual properties of indeterminate phenomena of light," he writes:

"In flight produced the engine a huge Halo luminous flame, giving the device name "fireball" was. After the start, these objects were first directed by radio in the vicinity of the enemy aircraft. Infrared sensors, responding to the hot exhaust gases, took over the more automatic navigation.

The fiery halo around the objects - which came by special admixtures of the fuels, naturally - and the chemical additives, which ionize the air in the vicinity could have, considerable electrical interference result. "

something completely different, the so-called" bubbles ", as also by the allied" were called Foo-Fighter ". Norbert Jürgen-Ratthofer writes:

"These were basically nothing more than simple balloon, which contained thin metal coils to disrupt enemy aircraft radar. You should particularly irritate the Pathfinder machines "of
Allied bombers. The success of this idea should have been small - from the psychological effect apart.

"bubbles" existed in various sizes. For night operations, they were mostly black, and mostly for daytime operations from darker or almost transparent film. In principle, there were small adaptations of weather balloons. This, Seifenblasen'-Foo - Fighters "have long since 1945 once again provided for amazement. Some of them rose to the stratosphere and wandered abandoned halfway around the earth, then at some point somewhere as "UFOs" astonishment .- excite As a result of the German-Japanese cooperation standing certainly Japan tentatively had "bubbles" rise, whose appearance in spaces of Japan and Korea of course almost, and also the Japanese "bubble" were partly of course from many years'

photo of a "bubble."

The function of the fireballs

The "fireballs should" probably a failure of electronic systems such as radar installations cause. The Italian flight engineer Renato Vesco wrote in an article:

"Later encounters with foo-fighters led experts to believe that they were German inventions of a new way to fool radar. How close they came to the truth, occurred when Allied Intelligence specialists in the Nazi secret factories came. The Foo Fighters, which were seen by allied pilots were only a small fraction of a demonstration and a variety of methods to evade radar and stop electromagnetic currents. The work on an anti-radar-guided fireball was accelerated by a Luftwaffe experimental center near Oberammergau in the fall of 1944. There and in the aeronautical facilities in Wiener Neustadt, the first fireballs were produced. Later, as the Russians approached Austria, these productions were moved to the Black Forest. Quickly and remotely controlled, equipped with klystron tubes, on the same frequency as the enemy radar working, they could wipe the radar characters from the screen and were so invisible to ground control "

According Norbet Jürgen-Ratthofer should be disturbed by this technology, the ignition systems of enemy bombers, he writes:

." This technique is a further development of the klystron tubes back, but should not that have worked, as you saw fit. The effective "ignition cut" - from the SS picturesque, 'death ray' called - was only later, and probably created using other technical means. Since then, precisely is this "switch off ignition, electrical systems fail, the typical appearance of the UFO."

Today UFOs are often described as glowing balls or pieces, as typical, is still the precipitation of electrical equipment. There are, as I said several technologies eligible for such phenomena in question. In Germany, also flying machines developed which appear blurred not because of fuel blends but because of their own gravity field during the flight or colored lights, they came but probably not as frequently used as the "fire balls" and it was only a small number available.

more in the following parts of this series of articles ...


Two typical UFO photos, presumably no "fire balls" but missiles with its own gravitational field:


! secret wonder weapons Volume 3 - about the war to come, "DH Haarmann, inherent pressure of the HUGIN Society of pol phil. Studies Association

"The Vril project," Norbert Jürgen-Ratthofer and Ralf Ettl, reprint of Sternentorverlag LTD

"German Flying Saucers: the detection, = qPI5aGCmX7Q & feature = related

See also:
flying disks and other secret weapon part 1 - Cosmic conspiracy or underground illusion?

Friday, March 4, 2011

How Much Do Xanax Bars Cost

The Microchip Agenda (German lecture set to music)

This paper was provided in isolation from a busy info warrior with German audio. The topic of transhumanism offers in the German speaking not a big source of diversity and usually one is more entangled with appeasing propaganda, consider only the technological advantages, but not the negative developments or threats to a company.

offers especially the modern high technology in the field of microelectronics, the possibility of coming fully centralized data collection. The main problem is that these technical innovations are introduced and gradually get used to the coming generation, the state of total control or him by the propaganda instilled from childhood, no longer are able to recognize their slave status.

The total central power, the confluence of all the information and knowledge is probably always been a dream of the elite ...
This does not mean that I am opposed to technological progress, but without a sensitized population and a necessary mental maturity of the society, the potential of this technology will unfortunately only be used to keep people under control and manipulate on the flimsy promise that everything will be easier and better ....

Video Source: info war berlin

For more information:
The eugenics agenda of the elite and transhumanism
The Microchip Agenda ( . English subtitle + more info)
David Icke - Rise of the Robots

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Chemotherapy Pancreatic Cancer Post Whipple

Terror Management in the 21st Century - Tunis - Cairo - Tripoli - An interview with Christoph Hörstel

A highly informative interview with a Middle East expert and investigative journalist, Christoph Hörstel, among other things, to the current situation in the Middle and enters the Middle East.

also eerie and dark details in the field of politics, the intelligence community and the media presents, Christoph Hörstel by rock-hard facts that our current state of law and separation of powers massively question!

Watch and distribute, as they will not find in the supposedly proffessionellen mass media, "such irrelevancies" ...

Video Source:

Video description: The full interview can be seen here: Terror Management

We see in the weeks since the beginning of 2011 a real tyrant falls in North Africa. How do you assess this development?

Christoph Hörstel:
This development will determine the next decades of the Near and Middle East extensively affecting the entire globe. It will have an impact on the efforts of the U.S. to make Iran comply. It will affect the type of control and the handling of the region by the United States. It will increase pressure on Israel to an amicable solution looking to the Palestinians more than ever and it will not be as easy as had covered as a despot in the West Country, the entire political process. Actually, it should be so that we take these populations that have freed themselves from terrible losses from their despots, encourage their independence, they seriously and act with them at eye level. But all I do not see.

Question: What
geostrategic interests, the West to countries like Egypt?

Christoph Hörstel:
Israel remain secured. Because it is so to speak, as the aircraft carrier of the West in the Arab world and the pile in the Arab meat is to be clearly received. It is also due to the economic thrust of the Chinese in order to secure the African continent. That is why we got a few years ago AFRICOM. Washington affords even the generosity to divide the whole world in command areas, and there is also EUCOM and CENTCOM. So here we have to operate from the perspective of Washington's clearly a need to control security. It's also a good idea of curbing Islamic and the Islamic revival movement. With almost frightening in American eyes is a pan-Islamic revival. This is something that you did not want the peoples of a great clip, which unites them - Islam, get together and shut down their arguments. Divide and conquer is a very efficient principle. It is about control and not about taking seriously the people, respect and equality. We can certainly give Mubarak too long. But why? Because you are aware, is that the stagnation of these people, the interior is rubbing is also part of our ice-cold and murderous power interests in the region.

The full interview can be seen here: Terror Management

For more information:
The Afghanistan lie
Christoph Hörstel and Oliver Janich on the Berlin Alexanderplatz
Christoph Hörstel Afghanistan
Kunduz - A bloody carnage

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Copper Or Pvc Better For Freezing Temperatures

New Blog Project - Gamer Dealz

After a long creative break to start a new blog project names Gamer Dealz.

background of all is that there are now a large number of games download providers such as steam, which all have common actions for which there are certain games cheaper.

To pursue the question of where it is just as cheap, I will keep you up to now regularly Gamer you current.

Take a look.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Gay Cruising Orlando Fl

Consumer feed - Flips the purity law?

The import of feed of the EU is loosened. Thus, feeding and German farmers, food from genetically modified crops such as corn and soybeans on their animals.

is the gradual arrival of gene technology but a process, which dominate for years the policy and agriculture. I would like the links at the end point of this post, and on the lecture "The roped German genetic engineering".

USA GM foods intended for the EU - Food security not wanted

More information:
food and genetic engineering
seeds of destruction. The dark side of gene manipulation
diseases, infertility, death - the consequences of 15 years, GM soya cultivation
Risikofakofaktor Genfood
risk GM food - bad show long-term studies Follow

Can I Watch You Masterbate?

Census 2011 - Where is the protest?

All of Germany is in wild commotion, because a noble son, who has his doctorate erschummelt. Public opinion is so high, boiled, that even the people in the capital on the road driving to demonstrate their frustration.

But even if the young minister admits his post, what will change on issues such as Afghanistan, increasing surveillance and centralization reforms by the legislature and ministries?

The list of names of ministers, which the rule of law and freedom of the people is daily trampling long, but their agenda runs like a red thread through their Legislative sessions and as long as we continue to be dictated to us by our major press organs of opinion and social commitment, as long as it takes surprise anybody if we remain distracted every day anew by the really big dirty tricks ...

Source: Grassroots Revolution No. 357, March 2011
Author: Bernd pressures

The VoBo movement and the 2011 census

had 1983 projected census to be stopped because of protests and 1987 found a Large-scale boycott of the Volksaushorchung "instead. And today? Where is the movement against census and Census 2011?

From May to Germany in a census, "Census 2011" will be performed (see GWR 356).

80 000 "interviewers" will be questioned nationwide by the end of 2011, approximately 20 million people, with up to 186 questions per household. With the "Census 2011" is facing a massive collection of personal data. Million people will be forced, religion, marital status, income, and much more just place. The human right to informational self-determination is being violated.
If we want to do something against this government-imposed sanction, it is worth remembering the census boycott movements 1980s.

The stop of the 1983 census

In 1983, the State wanted to carry out a large-scale census and the entire population of the then Federal Republic of capture and illuminate.
This plan led to nationwide mass protests. Citizens' groups went to court and all instances.
The broad refusal shaft and finally the decision of the Constitutional Court stopped the census 1983rd The data was first recognized as a fundamental right. The citizens were promised the right to "informational self-determination." A collection of non-anonymised data on stocks and closed for undetermined purposes the court. This was a great success for the nationwide census boycott movement.
The Kohl government has, however, considered as a slap in the face. And so was the then-Interior Minister CSU Zimmermann every effort to enforce 1987 "nachgebeserte" census.

The motion VoBo 1987

The abbreviation "VoBo-Ini" knows almost nobody. It stands for "census boycott initiative. 1987 was the acronym on everyone's lips, for in the entire Federal Republic had "VoBo-Inis" formed which agitated against the government's plans. "VoBo" which was in many cities a large, organized grassroots democratic social movements, in the joined forces of anarchists to the Open, by workers, the unemployed and students a broad social spectrum, stop with the common aim of the "people-examination" or to boycott.


What moves against the "Census 2011"?

Compared with the major census boycott movements of the 80s, there is as yet no relevant campaign against the "Census 2011".
That certainly has many reasons. Many still do not know what happened between Mai and December 2011, belongs personally to them. In times of Facebook Retention, Google Street View, grasierender camera surveillance and electronic ID card, it has become difficult to stem the expansion of state surveillance. The collection is now more comprehensive than in 1987. Therefore, fatalism has made wide. We should educate and countermeasures. With the "Census 2011" are in for a huge collection of personal data. The forced poll upfront problematic personal profiles. As in 1987, the NPD has called on its members, at the "interviewers" to be classified in order to make anti-fascists and undocumented migrants find.
The survey by unknown "interviewer" is only one side of the snooping.
In the background, combined information including from the population registers, financial and employment agencies with the results of the survey and stored under a unique number.
It had prohibited the Federal Constitutional Court, such an order number 1983rd Successfully the promised security and anonymity of the masses of data is questionable. Known, the trade is thriving with personal data.
knowledge is power. The more the state knows about us, the harder it is to fight for us, the system of exploitation of man by man.
the collected and linked to census data is not deleted immediately after evaluation, but stay for up to four years saved and can be attached via the serial numbers on sensitive profiling. The anonymity of inadequate census data is a threat to informational self-determination, privacy and data security. The result for a long period of centralized data collection with significant abuse potential. Especially for people engaged in social movements, so it should be clear that we collectively and jointly commit to the "Census 2011" and all other attempts to illuminate us should.

read the complete article in the monthly "grass roots revolution," issued March 2011th


For more information:
The Guttenberg Dossier (Part 1)
The Guttenberg Dossier (Part 2)
Why No one demonstrated against the real fascists?
Thomas de Maizière - cover-up of child abuse